This year has been...interesting to say the least. It seemed like whenever there was an up there was a down. Here is our quick year of review:
Boys came, had our first birthdays together, petitioned for adoption, bio parents were stocking us, boys were adopted, Cristina's dad visited, Shon lost his job, Shon got a job, Shon is still on unemployment, Cristina's mom visited, first round of infertility meds were a huge dud, Jordan's visit to the cardiologist showed no surgery (this year anyways), David started kindergarten, we bought a van to fit our whole family.
Hey, I said it was quick, right?
Here's to 2011! Happy New Year!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Our Christmas...
I know this is a little late, but here are some of our videos and pictures from our Christmas at home.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!
Whoa, whatta year! This year instead of the Salt Lake Temple Lights we went to Thanksgiving Point in Lehi and enjoyed some holiday lights, some of Santa's reindeer and of course (my fav) old fashioned holiday candy. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Things you will often hear...
There are some very random things that I am sure our neighbors wonder what the heck we are doing or talking I created a list, just so no one is surprised when they come to our home and hear these. They may sound like something crude but seriously are not.
1. Did you poop?
2. Are you sticking something where it doesn't belong?
3. It's too big!
4. Stop picking your nose!
5. Ah man! (kinda how Michelle said it in Full House)
6. Stop touching each other!
7. Are you serious?!
8. You suck dude!
9. Get it!
10. Stop crying!
11. I need a dink! (Jordan saying he needs a drink)
12. I need a towel!
13. What?
14. Honey!
15. (constant farting sounds both natural and made up)
16. Mommy/Daddy I need to go potty.
17. Did you wipe?
18. You stink!
19. Shut up! (usually at the cat who is constantly meowing)
20. Whoa!
Yes, again, these come out of one of our mouths daily between the walls of our home. Aren't you jealous?!
1. Did you poop?
2. Are you sticking something where it doesn't belong?
3. It's too big!
4. Stop picking your nose!
5. Ah man! (kinda how Michelle said it in Full House)
6. Stop touching each other!
7. Are you serious?!
8. You suck dude!
9. Get it!
10. Stop crying!
11. I need a dink! (Jordan saying he needs a drink)
12. I need a towel!
13. What?
14. Honey!
15. (constant farting sounds both natural and made up)
16. Mommy/Daddy I need to go potty.
17. Did you wipe?
18. You stink!
19. Shut up! (usually at the cat who is constantly meowing)
20. Whoa!
Yes, again, these come out of one of our mouths daily between the walls of our home. Aren't you jealous?!
Monday, September 27, 2010
A little for me and a little for them...
Instead of another update, I have more of a poetic moment I suppose is the best way to say this. Any mother knows it is no secret that you constantly think about your children. With that said I have learned a few more things I have added to my very own bucket list for myself and things I promise to my kids.
To the tres cowboys...
1. Momma is crazy...but Daddy loves it so I guess you have to also.
2. Life is rough...and I will never sugar coat that for you because I love you.
3. Guess what? The Church is still true...
4. I will embarass you. It builds character.
5. Don't listen to stupid people.
6. If You're in jail for a night. Use your one phone call on someone else besides me...i.e. don't call me.
7. You better treat your girls as good as your daddy treats me. Hear my warning on that one!
8. Our family is a little jumbled. But we are still a family. Enough said.
9. I hope I can teach yo everything I want to...
10. So...remember Mommy loves you!
To the tres cowboys...
1. Momma is crazy...but Daddy loves it so I guess you have to also.
2. Life is rough...and I will never sugar coat that for you because I love you.
3. Guess what? The Church is still true...
4. I will embarass you. It builds character.
5. Don't listen to stupid people.
6. If You're in jail for a night. Use your one phone call on someone else besides me...i.e. don't call me.
7. You better treat your girls as good as your daddy treats me. Hear my warning on that one!
8. Our family is a little jumbled. But we are still a family. Enough said.
9. I hope I can teach yo everything I want to...
10. So...remember Mommy loves you!
Friday, September 3, 2010
I'm a big kid now!
On Wednesday David started his first day of kindergarten! Amongst all the other kids crying to go home with their parents, David walked right in to the classroom like he owned it! Made it MUCH easier for us! Jordan seems a little stricken now that big brother is gone in the mornings but I am sure that will change when he realizes he has ALL the toys to himself for half the day! Here are some pics on Dave's first day.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
This or That...
Have you ever had one of those moments in life where you have a bucket list or a plan of action? Shon and I are totally at that point and SO many things depend on it. I am sure if would be easier to go in to detail about what I am kinda saying, but's kinda personal. And although I know we have blogs for that reason...too bad! :-)
We are in the limbo of move, don't move, buy a car, save money, etc, etc. I want my kids to have a great home and a safe home. I want them to have the best school and the "cool" clothes so they aren't picked on. I know this is a far fetch and clothes don't mean anything to some people, but when you have tried and worked so hard for a family...cost doesn't matter anymore. Ask our adoption attorney!
With all that said too, we are giving Clomid another shot. This first month I don't think it will happen...I don't feel it yet. But we come! I am going in to see the doctor in a couple of weeks. So hopefully he gives me some insight. I trust him a lot. He knows his stuff!
Here's to baby-making! I know...I am never satisfied. But I just want ONE girl...that is all. :-)
We are in the limbo of move, don't move, buy a car, save money, etc, etc. I want my kids to have a great home and a safe home. I want them to have the best school and the "cool" clothes so they aren't picked on. I know this is a far fetch and clothes don't mean anything to some people, but when you have tried and worked so hard for a family...cost doesn't matter anymore. Ask our adoption attorney!
With all that said too, we are giving Clomid another shot. This first month I don't think it will happen...I don't feel it yet. But we come! I am going in to see the doctor in a couple of weeks. So hopefully he gives me some insight. I trust him a lot. He knows his stuff!
Here's to baby-making! I know...I am never satisfied. But I just want ONE girl...that is all. :-)
Monday, August 23, 2010
It's official!
Well, ok, I know it was a week ago...but hey! I am a MOM now...and sometimes things like a blog aren't always up to date!
It was an awesome day! My dad made it out from Arkansas to be here. Close family was there. It was simply-PERFECT. We made it a "family" day. Once were done at the courthouse we went out to eat and allowed some members to share their awesome news! It was great!
It was long, it was exhausting and it was perfect! I wouldn't have changed it one bit.
The Sunday before we had our party up the canyon with friends and family. We had a great turn-out!
We are all happy and we can't wait to see what comes of the future!
P.S. I took a picture in the courthouse, but my camera didn't work. :-( So I am working on getting copies from others!
It was an awesome day! My dad made it out from Arkansas to be here. Close family was there. It was simply-PERFECT. We made it a "family" day. Once were done at the courthouse we went out to eat and allowed some members to share their awesome news! It was great!
It was long, it was exhausting and it was perfect! I wouldn't have changed it one bit.
The Sunday before we had our party up the canyon with friends and family. We had a great turn-out!
We are all happy and we can't wait to see what comes of the future!
P.S. I took a picture in the courthouse, but my camera didn't work. :-( So I am working on getting copies from others!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sharing the love...
We are t-minus two weeks from our adoption date and I have SO much to do! I feel like there are so many things that I need to get done with my house, all the while, Shon is working crazy hours, I am working full time and we are going to be proud parents of THREE boys (instead of one)! All I can say to myself is BREATH! And...pinch myself. This is a long time coming and Shon and I have been through SO much. I really thought this day would never come. And I am so proud that it has. My sister, her boyfriend, his daughter and my dad are coming out for the adoption. It will be so great to have the here for support. I will miss my mom and I really wish she could make it.
In the meantime...everyone really is welcome to the bbq...and IF you haven't already, please send me your mailing address!
In the meantime...everyone really is welcome to the bbq...and IF you haven't already, please send me your mailing address!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I know I should be fired at the lack of keeping up on the family blog...but honestly, not much has changed. We are still looking for a house, we are still waiting to adopt the boys (although it is approaching soon), we are still working the same jobs...oh and we are still alive. So like I said nothing has changed.
We have slowly started to get ready for school this year. David will be in kindergarten, Ashton will be in 4th grade and Jordan...well he will still be home for the day until he is 3 then we are going to put him in 3 year pre-school.
Adoption is less than a month so stay tuned and I will try to keep y'all updated!
We have slowly started to get ready for school this year. David will be in kindergarten, Ashton will be in 4th grade and Jordan...well he will still be home for the day until he is 3 then we are going to put him in 3 year pre-school.
Adoption is less than a month so stay tuned and I will try to keep y'all updated!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
About a month and a half of couponing...
I never thought I would say this, but couponing has seriously changed my life! I cant get more of a thrill that finding a sweet deal and saving over 50% on my grocery bill WHILE saving money on gas...thanks to SMITHS!
Here are the latest pictures of my hall closet which I had to move more things out of to store things. I am running out of places to store things. My pantry is full, my freezer is full and my closets are full!
Anyways, here is the latest...enjoy! P.S...if you THINK you might wanna be a couponer give me a hollar!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
One month of couponing...
The pictures above show my upstairs hall closet. Since I live in a small place (hopefully a larger one soon), I have had to store my things upstairs in my linen closet because my kitchen cupboards couldn't hold anymore. I have things to last me quite some time! I think I counted 10 cereals, about 13 powerades, juices galore, dish soap, mens and womans personal hygiene things like deoderant, shave gel and SHAMPOO! Oh my gosh shampoo! Toothpaste, snacks and babywipes. Spaghetti sauce, kids meals like mac n cheese, spaghettios, soups galore...on and on and on! I have only been doing this for a month folks! AND I have saved over $300 to date! Y'all need to jump on the couponing bandwagon! It works!
P.S. About 25% of this stuff I got for free with coupons...not because the coupon said it was free...but because I watched or them to go on sale...THEN I use my coupon..and vwa-la!
When life throws you a curve lemons?!
I know that isn't really the term, but I am going with it! We have had a rollercoaster couple of weeks. We have been going back and forth on what to do about our kids, adoption, work, money, everything!
We finally came to the conclusion that Shon would quit his full time job and work his part time night job, knowing he will get back on full time there in July. It will still be nights, but that is kinda what we needed. Babysitters were going to cost us $800+ a month which was the sum of one of my paychecks a month. Which to me, made it pointless of one of us working, save that money and not have a stranger watching my kids. is how it all went down. Shon gave his two week notice from his job on Monday. Well, instead of letting him work out his two weeks (budget wise for us) they fired him! **SIDE NOTE, I would not reccomend working for IM Flash Technologies to ANYONE! Even my worst enemy! They suck as a company and are skimming the line of of having several lawsuits coming their way from many different people with the way they handle things.
So anyways, that made me freak out, because we were really budgeting on him working those two weeks on top of his part time job. But, little did I know...well atleast I am hoping, things might just be ok.
Shon informed ModusLink (his part time job--FYI the job he worked at for 5 years when we first got married) that he no longer worked for IM Flash, so immediately they called him to pick up another 12 hours--on top of his 24 hours he gets already for the week. Then they called him back again and asked him to work 10 hour shifts next week, which makes it full time for him next week too!
On top of all of that, since those are night shifts (which is what helps us--no babysitting cost and Shon works better at night) I get to work pretty much all of my before I was having to take an hour lunch to take David to school, leave early to pick one of the boys up somewhere in town. So this saves my hours too!
ModusLink can't offcially hire Shon on until July, but that is ok. We are almost positive he will be hired, and the are going to give him nights or weekend (days).
I have to admit, after the weekend and Monday I was SO done. I was having major anxiety attacks, freaking out about everything, money, kids, work...but I have faith that we will be taken care of and I just need to trust that we will never be given a trial we can not handle.
So let's just hope that everything works out and we will be set for getting in to a house like we wanted and finally have some stable careers.
We finally came to the conclusion that Shon would quit his full time job and work his part time night job, knowing he will get back on full time there in July. It will still be nights, but that is kinda what we needed. Babysitters were going to cost us $800+ a month which was the sum of one of my paychecks a month. Which to me, made it pointless of one of us working, save that money and not have a stranger watching my kids. is how it all went down. Shon gave his two week notice from his job on Monday. Well, instead of letting him work out his two weeks (budget wise for us) they fired him! **SIDE NOTE, I would not reccomend working for IM Flash Technologies to ANYONE! Even my worst enemy! They suck as a company and are skimming the line of of having several lawsuits coming their way from many different people with the way they handle things.
So anyways, that made me freak out, because we were really budgeting on him working those two weeks on top of his part time job. But, little did I know...well atleast I am hoping, things might just be ok.
Shon informed ModusLink (his part time job--FYI the job he worked at for 5 years when we first got married) that he no longer worked for IM Flash, so immediately they called him to pick up another 12 hours--on top of his 24 hours he gets already for the week. Then they called him back again and asked him to work 10 hour shifts next week, which makes it full time for him next week too!
On top of all of that, since those are night shifts (which is what helps us--no babysitting cost and Shon works better at night) I get to work pretty much all of my before I was having to take an hour lunch to take David to school, leave early to pick one of the boys up somewhere in town. So this saves my hours too!
ModusLink can't offcially hire Shon on until July, but that is ok. We are almost positive he will be hired, and the are going to give him nights or weekend (days).
I have to admit, after the weekend and Monday I was SO done. I was having major anxiety attacks, freaking out about everything, money, kids, work...but I have faith that we will be taken care of and I just need to trust that we will never be given a trial we can not handle.
So let's just hope that everything works out and we will be set for getting in to a house like we wanted and finally have some stable careers.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The latest in the Frary House of Five...
1. School is almost out-50/50 on whether this is a good thing or bad thing.
2. David was asked to go to summer not much of a summer for him.
3. Shon is now working 2 jobs so we can pay our legal fees for the adoption.
4. I have gotten A LOT done around the house with Shon working nights. Boredom=clean house!
5. I can officially say I am a coupon FREAK!
6. This is the very first Mother's Day that I am really looking forward to. I am not looking for gifts, just a nice day with my kids!
7. I don't think I have been so physically and mentally exhausted in my life! But I love it.
8. Even after the above mentioned number 7, I really, really wanna go back to school.
9. Ashton has started baseball...and his coaches (not to be rude) suck! But he is having fun, so whatever.
10. David will be starting T-ball soon.
11. Next month starts carnival month! Yay for carmel corn, cotton candy, prizes and parades!
Ok--so maybe I am more 75/25 for school to be out. :-)
Take care friends and family, we love you! And Happy Mother's Day!
2. David was asked to go to summer not much of a summer for him.
3. Shon is now working 2 jobs so we can pay our legal fees for the adoption.
4. I have gotten A LOT done around the house with Shon working nights. Boredom=clean house!
5. I can officially say I am a coupon FREAK!
6. This is the very first Mother's Day that I am really looking forward to. I am not looking for gifts, just a nice day with my kids!
7. I don't think I have been so physically and mentally exhausted in my life! But I love it.
8. Even after the above mentioned number 7, I really, really wanna go back to school.
9. Ashton has started baseball...and his coaches (not to be rude) suck! But he is having fun, so whatever.
10. David will be starting T-ball soon.
11. Next month starts carnival month! Yay for carmel corn, cotton candy, prizes and parades!
Ok--so maybe I am more 75/25 for school to be out. :-)
Take care friends and family, we love you! And Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Adoption Update...
Sorry folks, you can tell today is update my blog day! Shon and I have signed and submitted out petition for adoption! We are thinking sometime around the end of June we should have a hearing. It just depends on the judges schedule. Our paralegal has been AWESOME and we definately intend on using them again in the future. We'll keep y'all posted! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!
We decided to take all of the boys to the Hogle Zoo for part of their birthday presents. They all seemed to have a blast and we told them we would be sure to go back soon! Here are some pics from our adventures.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Birthday Ashton!
Ashton turned 9 on April 7th. We celebrated his birthday with a trip to the zoo! Later on that night we had cake and ice cream for him. It was quite a mess! We actually had more of a cake fight rather than eating cake and ice cream. We had people running down the streets and people chasing one another in the house. It was quite a comedy for those who had the sunburns from the zoo and stood back just to watch the action. Happy Birthday Ashton!
As you can tell...Frary birthday parties tend to get a little out of hand! Happy Birthday Ashton!
As you can tell...Frary birthday parties tend to get a little out of hand! Happy Birthday Ashton!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
One year towards Eternity!
Sunday we celebrated...well we didn't really celebrate because it was Sunday, but we "remembered" our one year of being sealed together in the Manti Temple. It was a great day and I can't wait to go back to the Manti Temple. It is certainly "our" Temple.
Afterwards we went to Los Hermanos for dinner. We were STARVING! We met some members of our family there to hang out and eat.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Party in the house!
I "showed Shon how to make a cake and cupcakes". Don't be fooled, I really did do all the cookin!
In the meantime, Grandma took Jordan for his trip to Build a Bear. He chose a puppy with a little football outfit and helmet.
And they make it very well known that it is YOUR birthday!
Jordan's Birthday Cupcakes
David's Birthday Cupcakes
And the "adult" cake since we let the kids have the cupcakes.
All in all the party turned out ok and my boys came out with a lot more toys than I am sure we have room for. But we all had fun together as a family. The boys were able to see their sisters, so they were really excited! And so were the girls!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ice cream, ice cream, we all scream for ice cream!
Jordan's "birthday" ice cream. We pretty much just handed it to him and let him have a blast!
Double fisting it!
Things I would like my boys to know...
*Life is hard but that doesn't mean they need to give up.
*Family is everything
*You don't always have to do what others tell you, but you do have to listen to what they tell you.
*I don't expect you to be perfect but I do expect you to try hard
*Always make a friend with someone that may not have a friend
*The church is true
*I love them more than anything and that is all that matters.
*Family is everything
*You don't always have to do what others tell you, but you do have to listen to what they tell you.
*I don't expect you to be perfect but I do expect you to try hard
*Always make a friend with someone that may not have a friend
*The church is true
*I love them more than anything and that is all that matters.
Jordan is TWO!!!
So I think I can honestly say I never thought I would be a mommy of a two year old. It took some time and some patience...and well, frankly it is still taking time and patience. But I have a two year old and a cute two year old at that. I am happy to call him my very own, even though it ain't legal yet. But we are thinking positively. So Happy Birthday Jordan! We love you more and more everyday. Stay cute and SMART!



Monday, March 22, 2010
My new hobbies...
I started some of these hobbies about a year ago. Then I stopped. I recently decided to (a) finish what I started and (b) to continue on with making cute things for myself, my family and my home.
The first...No I DID NOT make this. But I am going to attempt to make some aprons.
The second thing was Ashton's Transformer blanket that I finished up last night. We are also going to make some oven mits that sounds really easy to make!
Alnog with that I have also been trying some new recipes at home. Shon has sorta been a trooper. I definately have some tweaking to do on some of them.
So here's to home-makin!



The first...No I DID NOT make this. But I am going to attempt to make some aprons.
The second thing was Ashton's Transformer blanket that I finished up last night. We are also going to make some oven mits that sounds really easy to make!
Alnog with that I have also been trying some new recipes at home. Shon has sorta been a trooper. I definately have some tweaking to do on some of them.
So here's to home-makin!
Happy Birthday to David!
Today David is 5 years old! I wish I could say the time has passed fast, but obviously it has not. Grandma took him to build a bear and he made an "Alvin" from there. He was so excited! I brought cupcakes in to his classroom to share with his class. He came home with a crown for his birthday from school. This past weekend, their Aunt Brittany and Uncle Matt took them out to get some pictures since I have like no pictures of them and would love to add them to my wall! Here is what we got. Thanks to Britt and Matt! Happy Birthday Dave...we love you and look forward to MANY more birthdays with you in the future!









Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Ashton has started basketball!
Ashton has started to play basketball. He is on one of the city teams. He is still kinda learning cause we have always taught him football mostly. But he wanted to try basketball, so basketball it is. He should have some pictures taken soon, so we will be sure to get those posted because of course posts aren't any good without pictures!
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